Brian Hanssen // Preparing Generation Z and Their Employers For Future Workplace Challenges

As Generation Z prepares to enter the workforce, they present interesting challenges in working with older employers. How these young people, born in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, will work with older generations is a phenomenon worth studying. Brian Hanssen, Clinical Assistant Professor of Business at NYU Shanghai, connects the theoretical with the practical and presents findings to better prepare both Generation Z and their employers for future challenges in the workplace.

In February 2017, Hanssen launched the Social Impact Scholars, a non-profit organization that serves as a corporate lab, giving both Generation Z and the generations who employ them the opportunity to give and receive feedback in real time. He’s realized that the experiment is actually facilitating a relationship between two generations that have the exact same expectations but very different approaches.

“At the end of the day, if I can have even a small dent on organizational communication and on organizational behavior for students, for businesses, and for researchers, it will all have been worthwhile,” he said.

Brian Hanssen is a member of the Center for Business Education and Research (CBER) at NYU Shanghai in Fall 2018, which aims to promote innovative research on China-related business and to inspire academic collaboration among industry leaders, business faculty and students.


教授观点 // 应对来自未来职场的挑战

Z世代,泛指95后,即90年代后期至21世纪初期出生的人群。随着他们走出校园,开始求职,这些职场上的新鲜血液将给老一辈的雇主们带去一些“有趣”的挑战。这些年轻人们将如何与上一代人相处,两代人之间会擦出怎样的火花?这一现象十分值得研究。上海纽约大学商学教学助理教授Brian Hanssen将理论结合实际,用研究成果助力95后及其雇主,让他们更加从容地应对来自未来职场的挑战。

2017年2月,Hanssen教授建立了非营利机构——社会影响力学者(Social Impact Scholars)。在运作上,它像是一个企业实验室,为95后和其雇主提供实时的项目工作反馈,帮助他们面对挑战。经过几轮沟通之后,Hanssen教授意识到,他的项目和研究正在切实地促进着两代人的关联,他们处理问题的方式截然不同,但是对工作都有着同样的期待。


Brian Hanssen教授于2015年加入上海纽约大学,担任商学教学助理教授。同时联聘于纽约大学斯特恩商学院,担任管理沟通教学助理教授。Hanssen教授也是上海纽约大学商学教育与研究中心CBER; Fall 2018)的成员之一。